Available since v1.1
Argo Rollouts provides notifications powered by the Notifications Engine. Controller administrators can leverage flexible systems of triggers and templates to configure notifications requested by the end users. The end-users can subscribe to the configured triggers by adding an annotation to the Rollout objects.
The trigger defines the condition when the notification should be sent as well as the notification content template.
Default Argo Rollouts comes with a list of built-in triggers that cover the most important events of Argo Rollout live-cycle.
Both triggers and templates are configured in the argo-rollouts-notification-configmap
ConfigMap. In order to get
started quickly, you can use pre-configured notification templates defined in notifications-install.yaml.
If you are leveraging Kustomize it is recommended to include notifications-install.yaml as a remote
resource into your kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
After including the argo-rollouts-notification-configmap
ConfigMap the administrator needs to configure integration
with the required notifications service such as Slack or MS Teams. An example below demonstrates Slack integration:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: argo-rollouts-notification-configmap
# detail of the templates is omitted
# detail of the triggers is omitted
service.slack: |
token: $slack-token
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: argo-rollouts-notification-secret
slack-token: <my-slack-token>
Learn more about supported services and configuration settings in services documentation.
Namespace based configuration¶
Available since v1.6
A common installation method for Argo Rollouts is to install it in a dedicated namespace to manage a whole cluster. In this case, the administrator is the only person who can configure notifications in that namespace generally. However, in some cases, it is required to allow end-users to configure notifications for their Rollout resources. For example, the end-user can configure notifications for their Rollouts in the namespace where they have access to and their rollout is running in.
To use this feature all you need to do is create the same configmap named argo-rollouts-notification-configmap
and possibly
a secret argo-rollouts-notification-secret
in the namespace where the rollout object lives. When it is configured this way the controller
will send notifications using both the controller level configuration (the configmap located in the same namespaces as the controller) as well as
the configmap located in the same namespaces where the rollout object is at.
To enable you need to add a flag to the controller --self-service-notification-enabled
Default Trigger templates¶
Currently, the following triggers have built-in templates.
when an error occurs during the execution of an analysis runon-analysis-run-failed
when an analysis run failson-analysis-run-running
when an analysis run is runningon-rollout-aborted
when a rollout process is aborted before completion.on-rollout-completed
when a rollout is finished and all its steps are completedon-rollout-paused
when a rollout is pausedon-rollout-step-completed
when an individual step inside a rollout definition is completedon-rollout-updated
when a rollout definition is changedon-scaling-replica-set
when the number of replicas in a rollout is changed
The end-users can start leveraging notifications using<trigger>.<service>: <recipient>
For example, the following annotation subscribes two Slack channels to notifications about canary rollout step completion:
kind: Rollout
name: rollout-canary
annotations: my-channel1;my-channel2
Annotation key consists of following parts:
- trigger nameslack
- notification service namemy-channel1;my-channel2
- a semicolon separated list of recipients
The Rollout administrator can customize the notifications by configuring notification templates and custom triggers
in argo-rollouts-notification-configmap
The notification template is a stateless function that generates the notification content. The template is leveraging html/template golang package. It is meant to be reusable and can be referenced by multiple triggers.
An example below demonstrates a sample template:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: argo-rollouts-notification-configmap
data: |
message: |
Rollout {{}} has purple image
attachments: |
"title": "{{}}",
"color": "#800080"
Each template has access to the following fields:
holds the rollout object.recipient
holds the recipient name.
The message
field of the template definition allows creating a basic notification for any notification service. You can
leverage notification service-specific fields to create complex notifications. For example using service-specific you can
add blocks and attachments for Slack, subject for Email or URL path, and body for Webhook. See corresponding service
documentation for more information.
Custom Triggers¶
In addition to custom notification template administrator and configure custom triggers. Custom trigger defines the condition when the notification should be sent. The definition includes name, condition and notification templates reference. The condition is a predicate expression that returns true if the notification should be sent. The trigger condition evaluation is powered by expr-lang/expr. The condition language syntax is described at
The trigger is configured in argo-rollouts-notification-configmap
ConfigMap. For example the following trigger sends a notification
when rollout pod spec uses argoproj/rollouts-demo:purple
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: argo-rollouts-notification-configmap
trigger.on-purple: |
- send: [my-purple-template]
when: rollout.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image == 'argoproj/rollouts-demo:purple'
Each condition might use several templates. Typically each template is responsible for generating a service-specific notification part.
Notification Metrics¶
The following prometheus metrics are emitted when notifications are enabled in argo-rollouts. - notification_send_success is a counter that measures how many times the notification is sent successfully. - notification_send_error is a counter that measures how many times the notification failed to send. - notification_send is a histogram that measures performance of sending notification.