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Rollout Specification

The following describes all the available fields of a rollout:

kind: Rollout
  name: example-rollout-canary
  # Number of desired pods.
  # Defaults to 1.
  replicas: 5
    # limits the number of successful analysis runs and experiments to be stored in a history
    # Defaults to 5.
    successfulRunHistoryLimit: 10
    # limits the number of unsuccessful analysis runs and experiments to be stored in a history.
    # Stages for unsuccessful: "Error", "Failed", "Inconclusive"
    # Defaults to 5.
    unsuccessfulRunHistoryLimit: 10

  # Label selector for pods. Existing ReplicaSets whose pods are selected by
  # this will be the ones affected by this rollout. It must match the pod
  # template's labels.
      app: guestbook

  # WorkloadRef holds a references to a workload that provides Pod template
  # (e.g. Deployment). If used, then do not use Rollout template property.
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: rollout-ref-deployment
    # Specifies if the workload (Deployment) is scaled down after migrating to Rollout.
    # The possible options are:
    # "never": the Deployment is not scaled down
    # "onsuccess": the Deployment is scaled down after the Rollout becomes healthy
    # "progressively": as the Rollout is scaled up the Deployment is scaled down
    # If the Rollout fails the Deployment will be scaled back up.
    scaleDown: never|onsuccess|progressively

  # Template describes the pods that will be created. Same as deployment.
  # If used, then do not use Rollout workloadRef property.
        - name: guestbook
          image: argoproj/rollouts-demo:blue

  # Minimum number of seconds for which a newly created pod should be ready
  # without any of its container crashing, for it to be considered available.
  # Defaults to 0 (pod will be considered available as soon as it is ready)
  minReadySeconds: 30

  # The number of old ReplicaSets to retain.
  # Defaults to 10
  revisionHistoryLimit: 3

  # Pause allows a user to manually pause a rollout at any time. A rollout
  # will not advance through its steps while it is manually paused, but HPA
  # auto-scaling will still occur. Typically not explicitly set the manifest,
  # but controlled via tools (e.g. kubectl argo rollouts pause). If true at
  # initial creation of Rollout, replicas are not scaled up automatically
  # from zero unless manually promoted.
  paused: true

  # The maximum time in seconds in which a rollout must make progress during
  # an update, before it is considered to be failed. Argo Rollouts will
  # continue to process failed rollouts and a condition with a
  # ProgressDeadlineExceeded reason will be surfaced in the rollout status.
  # Note that progress will not be estimated during the time a rollout is
  # paused.
  # Defaults to 600s
  progressDeadlineSeconds: 600

  # Whether to abort the update when ProgressDeadlineSeconds is exceeded.
  # Optional and default is false.
  progressDeadlineAbort: false

  # UTC timestamp in which a Rollout should sequentially restart all of
  # its pods. Used by the `kubectl argo rollouts restart ROLLOUT` command.
  # The controller will ensure all pods have a creationTimestamp greater
  # than or equal to this value.
  restartAt: '2020-03-30T21:19:35Z'

  # The rollback window provides a way to fast track deployments to
  # previously deployed versions.
  # Optional, and by default is not set.
    revisions: 3

    # Blue-green update strategy
      # Reference to service that the rollout modifies as the active service.
      # Required.
      activeService: active-service

      # Pre-promotion analysis run which performs analysis before the service
      # cutover. +optional
          - templateName: success-rate
          - name: service-name
            value: guestbook-svc.default.svc.cluster.local

      # Post-promotion analysis run which performs analysis after the service
      # cutover. +optional
          - templateName: success-rate
          - name: service-name
            value: guestbook-svc.default.svc.cluster.local

      # Name of the service that the rollout modifies as the preview service.
      # +optional
      previewService: preview-service

      # The number of replicas to run under the preview service before the
      # switchover. Once the rollout is resumed the new ReplicaSet will be fully
      # scaled up before the switch occurs +optional
      previewReplicaCount: 1

      # Indicates if the rollout should automatically promote the new ReplicaSet
      # to the active service or enter a paused state. If not specified, the
      # default value is true. +optional
      autoPromotionEnabled: false

      # Automatically promotes the current ReplicaSet to active after the
      # specified pause delay in seconds after the ReplicaSet becomes ready.
      # If omitted, the Rollout enters and remains in a paused state until
      # manually resumed by resetting spec.Paused to false. +optional
      autoPromotionSeconds: 30

      # Adds a delay before scaling down the previous ReplicaSet. If omitted,
      # the Rollout waits 30 seconds before scaling down the previous ReplicaSet.
      # A minimum of 30 seconds is recommended to ensure IP table propagation
      # across the nodes in a cluster.
      scaleDownDelaySeconds: 30

      # Limits the number of old RS that can run at once before getting scaled
      # down. Defaults to nil
      scaleDownDelayRevisionLimit: 2

      # Add a delay in second before scaling down the preview replicaset
      # if update is aborted. 0 means not to scale down. Default is 30 second
      abortScaleDownDelaySeconds: 30

      # Anti Affinity configuration between desired and previous ReplicaSet.
      # Only one must be specified
        requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: {}
          weight: 1 # Between 1 - 100

      # activeMetadata will be merged and updated in-place into the ReplicaSet's spec.template.metadata
      # of the active pods. +optional
          role: active

      # Metadata which will be attached to the preview pods only during their preview phase.
      # +optional
          role: preview

    # Canary update strategy
      # Reference to a service which the controller will update to select
      # canary pods. Required for traffic routing.
      canaryService: canary-service

      # Reference to a service which the controller will update to select
      # stable pods. Required for traffic routing.
      stableService: stable-service

      # Metadata which will be attached to the canary pods. This metadata will
      # only exist during an update, since there are no canary pods in a fully
      # promoted rollout.
          role: canary
          role: canary

      # metadata which will be attached to the stable pods
          role: stable
          role: stable

      # The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update.
      # Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of total pods
      # at the start of update (ex: 10%). Absolute number is calculated from
      # percentage by rounding down. This can not be 0 if  MaxSurge is 0. By
      # default, a fixed value of 1 is used. Example: when this is set to 30%,
      # the old RC can be scaled down by 30% immediately when the rolling
      # update starts. Once new pods are ready, old RC can be scaled down
      # further, followed by scaling up the new RC, ensuring that at least 70%
      # of original number of pods are available at all times during the
      # update. +optional
      maxUnavailable: 1

      # The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the original
      # number of pods. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a
      # percentage of total pods at the start of the update (ex: 10%). This
      # can not be 0 if MaxUnavailable is 0. Absolute number is calculated
      # from percentage by rounding up. By default, a value of 1 is used.
      # Example: when this is set to 30%, the new RC can be scaled up by 30%
      # immediately when the rolling update starts. Once old pods have been
      # killed, new RC can be scaled up further, ensuring that total number
      # of pods running at any time during the update is at most 130% of
      # original pods. +optional
      maxSurge: '20%'

      # Adds a delay before scaling down the previous ReplicaSet when the
      # canary strategy is used with traffic routing (default 30 seconds).
      # A delay in scaling down the previous ReplicaSet is needed after
      # switching the stable service selector to point to the new ReplicaSet,
      # in order to give time for traffic providers to re-target the new pods.
      # This value is ignored with basic, replica-weighted canary without
      # traffic routing.
      scaleDownDelaySeconds: 30

      # The minimum number of pods that will be requested for each ReplicaSet
      # when using traffic routed canary. This is to ensure high availability
      # of each ReplicaSet. Defaults to 1. +optional
      minPodsPerReplicaSet: 2

      # Limits the number of old RS that can run at one time before getting
      # scaled down. Defaults to nil
      scaleDownDelayRevisionLimit: 2

      # Background analysis to run during a rollout update. Skipped upon
      # initial deploy of a rollout. +optional
          - templateName: success-rate
          - name: service-name
            value: guestbook-svc.default.svc.cluster.local

          # valueFrom.podTemplateHashValue is a convenience to supply the
          # rollouts-pod-template-hash value of either the Stable ReplicaSet
          # or the Latest ReplicaSet
          - name: stable-hash
              podTemplateHashValue: Stable
          - name: latest-hash
              podTemplateHashValue: Latest

          # valueFrom.fieldRef allows metadata about the rollout to be
          # supplied as arguments to analysis.
          - name: region
                fieldPath: metadata.labels['region']

      # Steps define sequence of steps to take during an update of the
      # canary. Skipped upon initial deploy of a rollout. +optional
        # Sets the ratio of canary ReplicaSet to 20%
        - setWeight: 20

        # Pauses the rollout for an hour. Supported units: s, m, h
        - pause:
            duration: 1h

        # Pauses indefinitely until manually resumed
        - pause: {}

        # set canary scale to an explicit count without changing traffic weight
        # (supported only with trafficRouting)
        - setCanaryScale:
            replicas: 3

        # set canary scale to spec.Replica * (setweight / maxTrafficWeight) without changing traffic weight
        # if maxTrafficWeight unspecified, it defaults to 100
        # (supported only with trafficRouting)
        - setCanaryScale:
            weight: 25

        # set canary scale to match the canary traffic weight (default behavior)
        - setCanaryScale:
            matchTrafficWeight: true

        # executes the configured plugin by name with the provided configuration
        - plugin:
            name: example
              key: value

        # Sets header based route with specified header values
        # Setting header based route will send all traffic to the canary for the requests
        # with a specified header, in this case request header "version":"2"
        # (supported only with trafficRouting, for Istio only at the moment)
        - setHeaderRoute:
            # Name of the route that will be created by argo rollouts this must also be configured
            # in spec.strategy.canary.trafficRouting.managedRoutes
            name: 'header-route-1'
            # The matching rules for the header route, if this is missing it acts as a removal of the route.
              # headerName The name of the header to apply the match rules to.
              - headerName: 'version'
                # headerValue must contain exactly one field of exact, regex, or prefix. Not all traffic routers support
                # all types
                  # Exact will only match if the header value is exactly the same
                  exact: '2'
                  # Will match the rule if the regular expression matches
                  regex: '2.0.(.*)'
                  # prefix will be a prefix match of the header value
                  prefix: '2.0'

          # Sets up a mirror/shadow based route with the specified match rules
          # The traffic will be mirrored at the configured percentage to the canary service
          # during the rollout
          # (supported only with trafficRouting, for Istio only at the moment)
        - setMirrorRoute:
            # Name of the route that will be created by argo rollouts this must also be configured
            # in spec.strategy.canary.trafficRouting.managedRoutes
            name: 'header-route-1'
            # The percentage of the matched traffic to mirror to the canary
            percentage: 100
            # The matching rules for the header route, if this is missing it acts as a removal of the route.
            # All conditions inside a single match block have AND semantics, while the list of match blocks have OR semantics.
            # Each type within a match (method, path, headers) must have one and only one match type (exact, regex, prefix)
            # Not all match types (exact, regex, prefix) will be supported by all traffic routers.
              - method: # What HTTP method to match
                  exact: 'GET'
                  regex: 'P.*'
                  prefix: 'POST'
                path: # What HTTP url paths to match.
                  exact: '/test'
                  regex: '/test/.*'
                  prefix: '/'
                  agent-1b: # What HTTP header name to use in the match.
                    exact: 'firefox'
                    regex: 'firefox2(.*)'
                    prefix: 'firefox'

        # an inline analysis step
        - analysis:
              - templateName: success-rate

        # an inline experiment step
        - experiment:
            duration: 1h
              - name: baseline
                specRef: stable
                # optional, creates a service for the experiment if set
                  # optional, service: {} is also acceptable if name is not included
                  name: test-service
              - name: canary
                specRef: canary
                # optional, set the weight of traffic routed to this version
                weight: 10
              - name: mann-whitney
                templateName: mann-whitney
                # Metadata which will be attached to the AnalysisRun.

      # Anti-affinity configuration between desired and previous ReplicaSet.
      # Only one must be specified.
        requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: {}
          weight: 1 # Between 1 - 100

      # Traffic routing specifies the ingress controller or service mesh
      # configuration to achieve advanced traffic splitting. If omitted,
      # will achieve traffic split via a weighted replica counts between
      # the canary and stable ReplicaSet.
        # Supports nginx and plugins only: This lets you control the denominator or total weight of traffic.
        # The total weight of traffic. If unspecified, it defaults to 100
        maxTrafficWeight: 1000
        # This is a list of routes that Argo Rollouts has the rights to manage it is currently only required for
        # setMirrorRoute and setHeaderRoute. The order of managedRoutes array also sets the precedence of the route
        # in the traffic router. Argo Rollouts will place these routes in the order specified above any routes already
        # defined in the used traffic router if something exists. The names here must match the names from the
        # setHeaderRoute and setMirrorRoute steps.
          - name: set-header
          - name: mirror-route
        # Istio traffic routing configuration
          # Either virtualService or virtualServices can be configured.
            name: rollout-vsvc # required
              - primary # optional if there is a single route in VirtualService, required otherwise
            # One or more virtualServices can be configured
            - name: rollouts-vsvc1 # required
                - primary # optional if there is a single route in VirtualService, required otherwise
            - name: rollouts-vsvc2 # required
                - secondary # optional if there is a single route in VirtualService, required otherwise

        # NGINX Ingress Controller routing configuration
          # Either stableIngress or stableIngresses must be configured, but not both.
          stableIngress: primary-ingress
            - primary-ingress
            - secondary-ingress
            - tertiary-ingress
          annotationPrefix: # optional
          additionalIngressAnnotations: # optional
            canary-by-header: X-Canary
            canary-by-header-value: iwantsit
          canaryIngressAnnotations: # optional

        # ALB Ingress Controller routing configuration
          ingress: ingress # required
          servicePort: 443 # required
          annotationPrefix: # optional

        # Service Mesh Interface routing configuration
          rootService: root-svc # optional
          trafficSplitName: rollout-example-traffic-split # optional

      # Add a delay in second before scaling down the canary pods when update
      # is aborted for canary strategy with traffic routing (not applicable for basic canary).
      # 0 means canary pods are not scaled down. Default is 30 seconds.
      abortScaleDownDelaySeconds: 30

      # Automatically reduce the number of stable pods as the number of canary pods increases
      # Only available when traffic routing is used. Default value is false meaning that as more canary pods
      # are created the number of stable pods stays the same. 
      dynamicStableScale: false

    - reason: StepPause
      startTime: 2019-10-00T1234
    - reason: BlueGreenPause
      startTime: 2019-10-00T1234
    - reason: AnalysisRunInconclusive
      startTime: 2019-10-00T1234


You can find examples of Rollouts at: