Getting Started - App Mesh¶
This guide covers how Argo Rollouts integrates with service-meshes managed by AWS App Mesh. This guide builds upon the concepts of the basic getting started guide.
- Kubernetes cluster with AWS App Mesh Controller for K8s installed
See the App Mesh Controler Installation instructions on how to get started using App Mesh with Kubernetes.
1. Deploy the Rollout, Services, App Mesh CRD¶
When App Mesh is used as the traffic router, the Rollout canary strategy must define the following mandatory fields:
kind: Rollout
name: my-rollout
# canaryService and stableService are references to Services which the Rollout will modify
# to target the canary ReplicaSet and stable ReplicaSet respectively (required).
canaryService: my-svc-canary
stableService: my-svc-stable
# The referenced virtual-service will be used to determine the virtual-router that is
# manipulated to update canary weights.
# name of the virtual-service App Mesh CR
name: my-svc
# Optional set of routes to update. If empty, all routes associated with the virtual-service are updated.
- http-primary
# virtualNodeGroup is a structure to refer App Mesh virtual-node CR corresponding to Canary and Stable versions
# canaryVirtualNodeRef refers to virtual-node corresponding to canary version. Rollouts controller will
# update the podSelector of this virtual-node to latest canary pod-hash generated by controller.
name: my-vn-canary
# stableVirtualNodeRef refers to virtual-node corresponding to stable version. Rollouts controller will
# update the podSelector of this virtual-node to latest stable pod-hash generated by controller.
name: my-vn-stable
- setWeight: 25
- pause: {}
In this guide, the two services are: my-svc-canary
and my-svc-stable
respectively. There are two
virtual-node CRs corresponding to these services named my-vn-canary
and my-vn-stable
respectively. In addition, there is a virtual-service named rollout-demo-vsvc
that is provided by a
virtual-router CR named rollout-demo-vrouter
. This virtual-router need have at least one route with action to forward
traffic to the canary and stable virtual-nodes. Initially weight for canary is set to 0% while for stable it is 100%.
During rollout, controller will modify the weights on route(s) based on the configuraiton defined in
The canary and stable services are configured to be headless. This is necessary to allow App Mesh to properly handle conneciton pooling as pods are reassigned from canary to stable.
To summarize, run the following commands to deploy a service:
- Two services (stable and canary)
- One service (for VIP and DNS lookup)
- Two App Mesh virtual-nodes (stable and canary)
- One App Mesh virtual-router with routes to virtual-nodes
- One App Mesh virtual-service corresponding to VIP service
- A rollout
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
2. Verify service¶
First make sure that rollout is stable.
kubectl argo rollouts get rollout my-rollout -n argo-examples -w
Then make sure the service is functional.
kubectl -n argo-examples port-forward svc/my-svc 8181:80
3. Rollout new version¶
Now it's time to deploy new version. Update the rollout with new image.
kubectl argo rollouts set image my-rollout demo=argoproj/rollouts-demo:green -n argo-examples
Rollout should deploy a new canary revision and update the weights under virtual-router.
kubectl get -n argo-examples virtualrouter my-vrouter -o json | jq ".spec.routes[0].httpRoute.action.weightedTargets"
"virtualNodeRef": {
"name": "my-vn-canary"
"weight": 25
"virtualNodeRef": {
"name": "my-vn-stable"
"weight": 75
Now manually approve the rollout that is paused indefinitely, and continue watching the routes get updated
kubectl argo rollouts promote my-rollout -n argo-examples
watch -d 'kubectl get -n argo-examples virtualrouter my-vrouter -o json | jq ".spec.routes[0].httpRoute.action.weightedTargets"'