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NATS Streaming

You can create a native NATS EventBus, or connect to an existing NATS Streaming service with exotic NATS EventBus.


A simplest native NATS EventBus example:

kind: EventBus
  name: default
    native: {}

The example above brings up a NATS Streaming StatefulSet with 3 replicas in the namespace.

The following example shows an EventBus with token auth strategy and persistent volumes.

kind: EventBus
  name: default
      replicas: 3 # optional, defaults to 3, and requires minimal 3
      auth: token # optional, default to none
      persistence: # optional
        storageClassName: standard
        accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
        volumeSize: 10Gi


Check here for the full spec of native.

  • replicas - StatefulSet replicas, defaults to 3, and requires minimal 3. According to NATS Streaming doc, the size should probably be limited to 3 to 5, and odd number is recommended.

  • auth - The strategy that clients connect to NATS Streaming service, none or token is currently supported, defaults to none.

If token strategy is used, the system will generate a token and store it in K8s secrets (one for client, one for server), EventSource and Sensor PODs will automatically load the client secret and use it to connect to the EventBus.

  • antiAffinity - Whether to create the StatefulSet PODs with anti-affinity rule. Deprecated in v1.3, will be removed in v1.5, use affinity instead.

  • nodeSelector - Node selector for StatefulSet PODs.

  • tolerations - Tolerations for the PODs.

  • persistence - Whether to use a persistence volume for the data.

  • securityContext - POD level security attributes and common container settings.

  • maxAge - Max Age of existing messages, i.e. 72h, 4h35m, defaults to 72h.

  • maxMsgs - Max number of messages before expiring the oldest messages, 0 means unlimited. Defaults to 1000000.

  • maxBytes - Total size of messages before expiring the oldest messages, 0 means unlimited. Defaults to 1GB.

  • maxSubs - Maximum number of subscriptions, 0 means unlimited. Defaults to 1000.

  • maxPayload - Maximum number of bytes in a message payload, 0 means unlimited. Defaults to 1MB.

  • imagePullSecrets - Secrets used to pull images.

  • serviceAccountName - In case your firm requires to use a service account other than default.

  • priority - Priority of the StatefulSet PODs.

  • priorityClassName - PriorityClassName of the StatefulSet PODs.

  • affinity - Affinity settings for the StatefulSet PODs.

More About Native NATS EventBus

  • Messages limit per channel defaults to 1,000,000. It could be customized by setting spec.nats.native.maxMsgs, 0 means unlimited.

  • Message bytes per channel defaults to 1GB, setting spec.nats.native.maxBytes to customize it, "0" means unlimited.

  • Max age of messages is 72 hours, which means messages over 72 hours will be deleted automatically. It can be customized by setting spec.nats.native.maxAge, i.e. 240h.

  • Max subscription number is defaults to 1000, it could be customized by setting spec.nats.native.maxSubs.


To use an existing NATS Streaming service, follow the example below.

kind: EventBus
  name: default
      url: nats://xxxxx:xxx
      clusterID: cluster-id
      auth: token
        name: my-secret-name
        key: secret-key

More Information

  • To view a finalized EventBus config:
kubectl get eventbus default  -o json | jq '.status.config'

A sample result:

  "nats": {
    "accessSecret": {
      "key": "client-auth",
      "name": "eventbus-default-client"
    "auth": "token",
    "clusterID": "eventbus-default",
    "url": "nats://eventbus-default-stan-svc:4222"

All the events in a namespace are published to same channel/subject/topic named eventbus-{namespace} in the EventBus.

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