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Time Filter

Time filter is applied to the event time, contained in the event context. A CloudEvent from Webhook event-source has payload structure as:

    "context": {
      "type": "type_of_event_source",
      "specversion": "cloud_events_version",
      "source": "name_of_the_event_source",
      "id": "unique_event_id",
      "time": "event_time",
      "datacontenttype": "type_of_data",
      "subject": "name_of_the_configuration_within_event_source"
    "data": {
      "header": {},
      "body": {},

It filters out events occurring outside the specified time range, so it is specially helpful when you need to make sure an event occurs between a certain time-frame.


Time filter has following fields:

    start: time_range_start_utc
    stop: time_range_end_utc

How it works

Time filter takes a start and stop time in HH:MM:SS format in UTC.

kind: Sensor
  name: with-time-filter
    serviceAccountName: operate-workflow-sa
    - name: test-dep
      eventSourceName: webhook
      eventName: example
          start: "02:30:00"
          stop: "04:30:00"

If stop is smaller than start (stop < start), the stop time is treated as next day of start.

Note: start is inclusive while stop is exclusive.

Time filter behaviour visually explained

  1. if start < stop: event time must be in [start, stop).

    00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 ┃ start stop ┃ start stop ┃ ─┸─────●───────────────────────○─────┸─────●───────────────────────○─────┸─ ╰───────── OK ──────────╯ ╰───────── OK ──────────╯

  2. if stop < start: event time must be in [start, stop@Next day)
    (this is equivalent to: event time must be in [00:00:00, stop) || [start, 00:00:00@Next day)).

    00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 ┃ stop start ┃ stop start ┃ ─┸───────────○───────────●───────────┸───────────○───────────●───────────┸─ ─── OK ──────╯ ╰───────── OK ──────────╯ ╰────── OK ───

Practical example

  1. Create a webhook event-source

    kubectl -n argo-events apply -f
  2. Create a webhook sensor with time filter

    kubectl -n argo-events apply -f
  3. Send an HTTP request to event-source

    curl -d '{"message":"this is my first webhook"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:12000/example
  4. You will notice one of following behaviours:

    • if you run this example between 02:30 and 04:30, the sensor logs the event is valid
    • if you run this example outside time range between 02:30 and 04:30, the sensor logs the event is invalid

Further examples

You can find some examples here.

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