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Trigger Standard K8s Resources

In the previous sections, you saw how to trigger the Argo workflows. In this tutorial, you will see how to trigger Pod and Deployment.

Note: You can trigger any standard Kubernetes object.

Having the ability to trigger standard Kubernetes resources is quite powerful as provides an avenue to set up pipelines for existing workloads.


  1. Make sure that the service account used by the Sensor has necessary permissions to create the Kubernetes resource of your choice. We use k8s-resource-sa for below examples, it should be bound to a Role like following.

    kind: Role
      name: create-deploy-pod-role
      - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - pods
          - create
      - apiGroups:
          - apps
          - deployments
          - create
  2. The Webhook event-source is already set up.


  1. Create a sensor with K8s trigger.

     kubectl -n argo-events apply -f
  2. Use either Curl or Postman to send a post request to the http://localhost:12000/example.

    curl -d '{"message":"ok"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:12000/example
  3. Now, you should see a pod being created.

    kubectl -n argo-events get po
  4. After the pod was completed, inspect the logs of the pod, you will something similar as below.

    / {"context":{"type":"webhook","specVersi \
    | on":"0.3","source":"webhook","e |
    | ventID":"30306463666539362d346666642d34 |
    | 3336332d383861312d336538363333613564313 |
    | 932","time":"2020-01-11T21:23:07.682961 |
    | Z","dataContentType":"application/json" |
    | ,"subject":"example"},"data":"eyJoZWFkZ |
    | XIiOnsiQWNjZXB0IjpbIiovKiJdLCJDb250ZW50 |
    | LUxlbmd0aCI6WyIxOSJdLCJDb250ZW50LVR5cGU |
    | iOlsiYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbiJdLCJVc2VyLU |
    | FnZW50IjpbImN1cmwvNy41NC4wIl19LCJib2R5I |
    \ jp7Im1lc3NhZ2UiOiJoZXkhISJ9fQ=="}       /
                      ##        .
                ## ## ##       ==
             ## ## ## ##      ===
         /""""""""""""""""___/ ===
    ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
         \______ o          __/
          \    \        __/


  1. Lets create a sensor with a K8s deployment as trigger.

    kubectl -n argo-events apply -f
  2. Use either Curl or Postman to send a post request to the http://localhost:12000/example.

    curl -d '{"message":"ok"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:12000/example
  3. Now, you should see a deployment being created. Get the corresponding pod.

    kubectl -n argo-events get deployments
  4. After the pod was completed, inspect the logs of the pod, you will see something similar as below.

    / {"context":{"type":"webhook","specVersi \
    | on":"0.3","source":"webhook","e |
    | ventID":"30306463666539362d346666642d34 |
    | 3336332d383861312d336538363333613564313 |
    | 932","time":"2020-01-11T21:23:07.682961 |
    | Z","dataContentType":"application/json" |
    | ,"subject":"example"},"data":"eyJoZWFkZ |
    | XIiOnsiQWNjZXB0IjpbIiovKiJdLCJDb250ZW50 |
    | LUxlbmd0aCI6WyIxOSJdLCJDb250ZW50LVR5cGU |
    | iOlsiYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbiJdLCJVc2VyLU |
    | FnZW50IjpbImN1cmwvNy41NC4wIl19LCJib2R5I |
    \ jp7Im1lc3NhZ2UiOiJoZXkhISJ9fQ=="}       /
                      ##        .
                ## ## ##       ==
             ## ## ## ##      ===
         /""""""""""""""""___/ ===
    ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
         \______ o          __/
          \    \        __/
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