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Azure Event Hubs

Azure Event Hubs Trigger allows a sensor to publish events to Azure Event Hubs. Argo Events integrates with Azure Event Hubs to stream data from an EventSource

NOTE: Parametrization for fqdn and hubName values are not yet supported.


The Azure Event Hubs trigger specification is available here.

Send an Event to Azure Event Hubs

  1. Make sure to have the eventbus deployed in the namespace.

  2. Create an event hub.

  3. Make sure that the Shared Access Key used to connect to Azure Event Hubs has the Send policy.

  4. Get the Primary Key of the Shared Access Policy, the Name of the Shared Access Policy, the Hub Name, and the FQDN of the Azure Event Hubs Namespace.

  5. Create a secret called azure-event-hubs-secret as follows:

    NOTE: sharedAccessKey refers to the Primary Key and sharedAccessKeyName refers to the Name of the Shared Access Policy.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: azure-event-hubs-secret
    type: Opaque
      sharedAccessKey: <base64-shared-access-key>
      sharedAccessKeyName: <base64-shared-access-key-name>
  6. Let's set up a webhook event-source to process incoming requests.

    kubectl apply -n argo-events -f
  7. Create the sensor with the following template. Replace the necessary values for fqdn and hubName:

    kind: Sensor
      name: azure-events-hub
        - name: test-dep
          eventSourceName: webhook
          eventName: example
        - template:
          name: azure-eventhubs-trigger
          # FQDN of the EventsHub namespace you created
          # More info at
            fqdn: eventhubs_fqdn
              name: azure-event-hubs-secret
              key: sharedAccessKeyName
              name: azure-event-hubs-secret
              key: sharedAccessKey
            # Event Hub path/name
            hubName: hub_name
              - src:
                  dependencyName: test-dep
                  dataKey: body.message
                dest: message
  8. The Event needs a body. In order to construct a messaged based on your event data, the Azure Event Hubs sensor has the payload field as part of the trigger.

    The payload contains the list of src which refers to the source events and dest which refers to destination key within the resulting request payload.

The payload declared above will generate a message body like below,

        "message": "some message here" // name/key of the object
  1. Let's expose the webhook event-source pod using port-forward so that we can make a request to it.

    kubectl -n argo-events port-forward <name-of-event-source-pod> 12000:12000
  2. Use either Curl or Postman to send a post request to the http://localhost:12000/example.

    curl -d '{"message":"ok"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:12000/example
  3. Verify Events have been in ingested in Azure Events Hub by creating a listener app or following other code samples. You can optionally create an Azure Event Hubs Event Source.

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