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Filters provide a powerful mechanism to apply constraints on the events in order to determine a validity.

If filters determine an event is valid, this will trigger the action defined by the Sensor.

If filters determine an event is not valid, this won't trigger any action.


Argo Events offers 5 types of filters:

  1. Expr Filter
  2. Data Filter
  3. Script Filter
  4. Context Filter
  5. Time Filter

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE this is the order in which Sensor evaluates filter types: expr, data, context, time.

Logical operator

Filter types can be evaluated together in 2 ways:

  • and, meaning that all filters returning true are required for an event to be valid
  • or, meaning that only one filter returning true is enough for an event to be valid

Any kind of filter error is considered as false (e.g. path not existing in event body).

Such behaviour can be configured with filtersLogicalOperator field in a Sensor dependency, e.g.

kind: Sensor
  name: multiple-filters-example
    - name: sample-dependency
      eventSourceName: webhook
      eventName: sample-event
      filtersLogicalOperator: "or"
        # ...

Available values:

  • "" (empty), defaulting to and
  • and, default behaviour
  • or

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE Logical operator values must be lower case.


You can find some examples here.

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