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File event-source listens to file system events and helps sensor trigger workloads.

Event Structure

The structure of an event dispatched by the event-source over the eventbus looks like following,

        "context": {
          "type": "type_of_event_source",
          "specversion": "cloud_events_version",
          "source": "name_of_the_event_source",
          "id": "unique_event_id",
          "time": "event_time",
          "datacontenttype": "type_of_data",
          "subject": "name_of_the_configuration_within_event_source"
        "data": {
            "name": "Relative path to the file or directory",
            "op": "File operation that triggered the event" // Create, Write, Remove, Rename, Chmod


File event-source specification is available here.


  1. Create the event source by running the following command.

    kubectl apply -n argo-events -f
  2. The event source has configuration to listen to file system events for test-data directory and file called x.txt.

  3. Create the sensor by running the following command.

    kubectl apply -n argo-events -f
  4. Log into the event-source pod by running following command.

    kubectl -n argo-events exec -it <event-source-pod-name> -c file-events -- /bin/bash
  5. Let's create a file called x.txt under test-data directory in the event-source pod.

    cd test-data
    cat <<EOF > x.txt
  6. Once you create file x.txt, the sensor will trigger argo workflow. Run argo list to find the workflow.

  7. For real-world use cases, you should use PersistentVolumeClaim.


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